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Sunday, 30 December 2012


Rose is like da best ever she has been friends with me since level 3 probably! She is soooo kind and soo pretty and cool! YOUR DA BEST ROSE!

got da name wrong

If you read the my last update read this she thinks my fake acc Is kat661 ( im not tho)


Okay so me and Ciara have been pranking eachother again on msp, I made another boy account and done the same thing again! And yesterday I made an account called teddy 2146 and made out she was crazy and showed ciara her and ciara uses it now sometimes cos I dont need it, and I pretended I was called Kat in rl life ( im not tho) and now she thinks I made an account called kat116 and thats not me so yeah. So she thinks its me and its not and she dosnt know whether to belive me or not! But Ciara if your reading this Im not Kat116

Saturday, 29 December 2012


Haha okay so I pranked my BFF ciara2004@ on msp, So I made this boy account called Im Bob! (haha yes I did) So yeah., THEN I got  him to ask her out a milllion times and she got creeped out like this -----> O.o HAHA anyways I called her and she was saying " HELP MEH" and she was messaging me and I was like thats sooo weird. Yeah So she done the same too me and I knew it was her! Yeah Then she called me and said she couldnt hear me and she acutually could and belive it or not I ACTUALLY THOUGHT IT WAS TRUE! anywayz we r doing more pranks so keep checking my blog and I will tell you in full detail.

Yeah thats right I got pacman on ma blog!

Yh so if you go to like the bottom of da page you will see you can play pacman! Yeah! Haha


Friday, 28 December 2012

Thank You!

Hey thanks if you have been on my blog
And thanks to Lexi Luv Me who said my blog was awesome! Yeah thanks!



Hey guys if you could, add some off my BFFS so these are my BFFs
Amy lou73

So yeah thanks guys! They are all sooo kind, so please add them. Thanks!


Level 13!!!

Hey guys! Thanks sooooooooooooooooooooo much for helping me reach lvl 13 today I only got to lvl 12 like 2 weeks ago! lol so erm yeah can you help me to lvl 14 thanks to those who are even though its a long way off! So yeah!


Well... HELLO!

hiya guys okay some of you may know I had another blog but I erm... well forgot how to login so her I am a new blog! So dont bother looking at my other one the last post was agees ago so yeah! So anywayz what I want to say is Hi! And if your not already please add me, you dont have to but you can! lol So thnx guys :)

Cece out x